U Love Me

When I look u in the eyes and say something for the first time will it be ok.

I always wanted to know.

What is love and why can’t I have it.

When I was in 7th grade I heard I would never find love. Throughout years I tried to ignore and realize maybe I wouldn’t.

7th grade was a saddening year, throughout days I’d hear negativity, from no beauty too I would never get rich.

I kept myself from involving myself, with those negative people and how they talked about me.

New clothes? Nope, the new was for people that worked. I didn’t get the Oreos commercial due to the 100$ raise. Sad I was just thinking of ways to get rich. Singing randomly, still no talent and a non workable mind, I’d hear repeatedly.

Once in 10th grade I was told I’d be on a t.v show w you all know, I was confused cause she never liked me. As you can tell. I ignored everything from her anytime. For the credit I’d like to express I’m glad, I kept myself from being involved. I got to really hear more than I would of, be responsive. Negativity stuck through their hearts and they needed to see me struggling or hurt daily.

I’m glad I kept quiet, my observing paid off, not to long ago there was no way of going back. Exposure of who you are and who you were hiding as to not be noticed as, is now subtomically trending. Like Global Public Communication!

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